Ray Mears comes to Cumbria!

Bushcraft and survival expert and founder of the Woodlore School of Wildnerness Bushcraft, Ray Mears will be visiting Cumbria in October along with some members of his team.

They will be delivering Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training for Forest School leaders, bushcraft instructors, outdoor educators and bushcraft enthusiasts. 

Branch Out Education are delighted to be welcoming Ray and his team to their woodland site in Blencow the 23rd – 24th October, for a weekend of bespoke training which will include cooking with ground ovens, learning the traditional craft of making cordage from natural plant fibres, discovering more about plants and their uses, tracking, building natural shelters, advance knife and axe skills and water collection and purification. A further element of the training will involve exploring the senses in relation to a deeper connection with nature. 

In their work, Branch Out aims to cultivate emotional, social and physical wellbeing through connection with nature and being outdoors. They approached Ray about the training as they felt there was a need for outdoor educators in Cumbria to access more opportunities to learn, develop and deepen their skills from experts in their field. Much of this training is often delivered long distances away, which means it is not always accessible. They were thrilled when he accepted, saying “this is a truly unique opportunity to learn from one of the world’s leading experts, right here at home in Cumbria.”

The size of the training cohort has been kept small to ensure maximum opportunity to learn directly with Ray. Many of the places have already been sold to leaders from the Cumbria Forest School Network group. There are still a few spaces on offer. The cost for the training weekend is £400pp, which includes the opportunity to camp/hammock in the woods overnight. Concessions may be available upon request. For further information or to reserve a space please email info@branchouteducation.co.uk